+++ KEBERHASILAN bukanlah kebetulan, melainkan hasil dari KERJA KERAS, TEKUN, dan TEKAD untuk TIDAK PERNAH Menyerah. -- Bersyukurlah untuk setiap Momen Setiap harinya dan UCAPKAN ASTAGHFIRULLAH SETIAP HARINYA AGAR DIMUDAHKAN MENDAPAT REZEKI YANG BERKAH. AAMIIN+++

Invest 20000 Doge to Get 1000 Doge[1$] Daily

In this project you can invest with Dogecoin.
You gonna feel rich when investing huge amount of coins

Invest 20000 Doge to get 1000 Doge daily. Invest more to get more.
1 Doge = $ 0.002
10 Doge= $ 0.02
100 Doge = $ 0.2
1000 Doge= $ 1

Get 1000 Dogecoin ($1) Daily

Yes. Invest 20000 Doge to Get 1000 Doge[1$] Daily.

Minimal deposit amount is 300 DOGEMaximal 999 999 DOGE
It generally takes up to 60 minutes. We wait for 3 confirmations from the DOGE network.

Get referral commission in the amount of 8% from the deposit of referral.

Step Sign Up, It is very easy and fun:

1) Sign Up =>> Bitdoggy

2) Enter the address of your BitDoggy wallet to field "Your DOGE address" to receive payments and click the "Go To Member Area" button.

3) You will be able to make deposits through the Members Area. 
The minimal deposit amount is 300 DOGE and wait for 3 confirmations from the DOGE network

You don't have a Doge Wallet, 
You can create a free DOGE wallet and fund it here: dogecoin.com

Global Statistics Payouts

Once transaction is confirmed we accept your deposit
And you will begin earn like a rich

