The Unicorn will have 8 values** Unicorn.Network
Unicorn.Network. The Unicorn will have 8 values:
The Unicorn is for all people who understand that every human being is unique and that every person has the right to be respected as they are.
The Unicorn is for all people who understand that every human being is unique and that every person has the right to be respected as they are.
At the Unicorn we respect your privacy. No data mining, no tracking and none of your data is shared outside of the network.
At the Unicorn we respect your privacy. No data mining, no tracking and none of your data is shared outside of the network.
The Unicorn has the highest security standards. For your safety we have created a safe zone on the internet, free of malware and viruses.
The Unicorn has the highest security standards. For your safety we have created a safe zone on the internet, free of malware and viruses.
Only high quality websites and partners are allowed to join the Unicorn. Even ads are 100% handpicked. And you can easily identify them, the ads, the shops, the apps, and the websites by our SEALS YOU CAN TRUST.
Only high quality websites and partners are allowed to join the Unicorn. Even ads are 100% handpicked. And you can easily identify them, the ads, the shops, the apps, and the websites by our SEALS YOU CAN TRUST.
Your ideas are welcome at the Unicorn. Our members are invited to share their ideas on how to improve our websites and services. And that is what we call “The power of WE”. And you know that many of our existing websites are based on your ideas and suggestions.
Your ideas are welcome at the Unicorn. Our members are invited to share their ideas on how to improve our websites and services. And that is what we call “The power of WE”. And you know that many of our existing websites are based on your ideas and suggestions.
The Unicorn is full of free benefits. Additionally you are rewarded for your activity on the internet with DEALPoints and CASHPoints, and on top of that we create job opportunities all over the world.
The Unicorn is full of free benefits. Additionally you are rewarded for your activity on the internet with DEALPoints and CASHPoints, and on top of that we create job opportunities all over the world.
The Unicorn treats all members like family members. Whenever you need a helping hand or support, someone will be there for you. You are never alone with the Unicorn.
The Unicorn treats all members like family members. Whenever you need a helping hand or support, someone will be there for you. You are never alone with the Unicorn.
We do not forget those in need. More than 10% of all profits are automatically donated to our WAZZUB Charity funds, which is supporting projects all around the world.
We do not forget those in need. More than 10% of all profits are automatically donated to our WAZZUB Charity funds, which is supporting projects all around the world.
Ini terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Ya, Unicorn. Semua orang bermimpi untuk melihat satu, karena selalu ramah dan membantu; itu bersih, itu adalah ajaib, terpesona bawah ini ada logo resminya. ini adalah perusahaan induk dari yang berkantor pusat di las vegas, Amerika Serikat.
Unicorn ini memiliki 8 nilai yang menakjubkan, apa saja itu :
RESPECT - The Unicorn adalah untuk semua orang yang memahami bahwa setiap manusia adalah unik dan bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak untuk dihormati karena mereka.
PRIVASI - Pada Unicorn kami menghormati privasi Anda. Tidak ada data mining, tidak ada pelacakan dan tidak ada data Anda bersama di luar jaringan.
SECURITY - The Unicorn memiliki standar keamanan tertinggi. Untuk keamanan Anda, kami telah menciptakan zona aman di internet, bebas dari malware dan virus.
KUALITAS - Hanya tinggi situs web berkualitas dan mitra diperbolehkan untuk bergabung dengan Unicorn.Bahkan iklan 100% dipilih sendiri. Dan Anda dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi mereka, iklan, toko-toko, aplikasi, dan situs oleh SEAL kami ANDA BISA PERCAYA.
PENGARUH - ide Anda dipersilakan di Unicorn. Anggota kami diundang untuk berbagi ide-ide mereka tentang bagaimana untuk meningkatkan situs web dan layanan kami. Dan itulah yang kita sebut "Kekuatan KAMI". Dan Anda tahu bahwa banyak situs yang ada didasarkan pada ide-ide dan saran.
MANFAAT - The Unicorn penuh manfaat gratis. Selain itu Anda dihargai untuk aktivitas Anda di internet dengan DEALPoints dan cashpoints, dan di atas itu kita menciptakan lapangan kerja di seluruh dunia
KELUARGA - The Unicorn memperlakukan semua anggota seperti anggota keluarga. Kapanpun Anda membutuhkan tangan atau dukungan membantu, seseorang akan berada di sana untuk Anda. Anda tidak sendirian dengan Unicorn.
Unicorn ini akan mengubah dunia, mari kita tunggu perkembangan selanjutnya yang sangat dinanti-nantikan dan keajaiban yang dapat mengubah DUNIA Bersama Unicorn.Network.
AMAL - Kami tidak lupa mereka yang membutuhkan. Lebih dari 10% dari semua keuntungan secara otomatis disumbangkan untuk dana WAZZUB Amal kami, yang mendukung proyek-proyek di seluruh dunia.
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